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What is Girltopia?

In our modern society and throughout history, women have had to face great adversity. From being denied the right to have a voice in government to not receiving a proper education, women and girls around the world have had to fight for their rights and stand up against cultural inequalities. Although we have come a long way, gender inequality is still prominent today; in only one country, women's wages are equal to those of their male counterparts, according to the Women's Learning Partnership. Additionally, Plan International states that 70% of people living on just one dollar a day or less are women. To top it off, there are 100 million girls missing around the world. These statistics illustrate that we certainly do not live in an ideal world for women and girls.

Photo from Pixabay

A Girltopia is a place where these inequalities do not exist, and society is a safe and encouraging place for women everywhere. All citizens are provided with the same level of education and have equal opportunity in society. Women and men are encouraged to pursue their careers and take the path they want in life, rather than being held back by cultural standards. Women are protected against sexual violence, as well as physical and emotional abuse. A Girltopia is truly a place where everyone can live to their full potential and be treated with the upmost respect and courtesy. This is the world that we should strive for.

Along with inspirational people, the collage contains important words and messages, such as "drive takes you forward", "things change", and "shine brighter". These positive sayings are meant to encourage women to be their best selves. Even when others try to drag you down or disparage you, remembering these words can keep you going and push you to achieve your goals. With the display of strong female role models and empowering words, we hope to make every girl feel appreciated and remind her of how amazing she is. Every girl has the capability to be the best version of herself and make the wold a better place.

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